More Than Kegels: 5 Misconceptions about Pelvic Floor Therapy

Pelvic Floor is Not Taboo

The field of pelvic rehabilitation is often a misunderstood field. It can be uncomfortable to talk about problems relating to your bladder, bowel, or sexual function so a lot of us just don’t…which leads to misinformation. As pelvic floor therapists, we strive to nurture an environment of trust and compassion with a big focus on education! So let’s dive into the most common misconceptions about our field.

5 Common Misunderstandings about Pelvic Floor PT

#1- “Pelvic floor therapy is just for postpartum women.”

While this is definitely part of the population we see, many people seek care for other non pregnancy related issues such as urinary incontinence/urgency/frequency, pelvic pain, constipation, and painful sex, just to name a few!

#2- “Pelvic floor dysfunction is just a part of aging- accept it.”

NO! Although some issues such as urinary urgency/incontinence can become more prevalent with age, you certainly don’t have to just “live with it”. Appropriately training your pelvic floor muscles to relax and contract can significantly improve your quality of life.

#3- “Pelvic floor therapy = kegels.”

Although kegels are a great exercise when needed, people often don’t do them correctly. Many actually need to lengthen their pelvic floor instead of strengthening it with kegels. Sometimes your strength is okay, but your coordination and timing is off with your pelvic floor contraction. A pelvic floor therapist can help you understand how and what you need to train!

#4- “Pelvic floor only helps with mild issues.”

Wrong again! Research has shown that pelvic therapy can often reduce or eliminate need for surgery, meds, or other invasive treatments. Even if surgery is indicated, pelvic floor therapy is an important component of recovery.

#5- “Pelvic floor therapists do not do internal exams.”

False. PT’s who specialize in pelvic floor undergo rigorous specialty training to be able to perform internal vaginal exams. Although never mandatory, it can help provide a lot of information as they relate to your concerns.

Pelvic Floor Function is a Critical Part of your Health

Whether you have leakage while running, discomfort during intercourse, constipation, or more, it may be time to explore your treatment options. If you know you have an issue, maybe you have tried home treatment but is it working? Getting diagnosed and treated by a skilled provider will lessen the duration of your discomfort, and help you return to what you love sooner, and with more confidence.

Give us a call to discuss what your next steps might be to regain the strength and confidence you want.


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