So you tore your ACL… here are some tips!

ACL rehabilitation is one of the longest and most challenging experiences an individual can go through. From the day after your reconstruction (if you chose to have one) you are in physical therapy at least once a week working on gaining back strength and range of motion. What makes ACL rehabilitation particularly challenging is the fact that you are expected to get into phenomenal shape to be considered cleared to return to sport. You may have never even done things like box jumps or forward bounds, however to fully “pass” PT you will be expected to do those things, and more. And do them well. Though this may seem daunting, I wanted to write about a few tips from a physical therapist’s point of view. Though I have never personally torn my ACL, I have worked with many athletes over the years going through this 9+ month journey.

TIP #1

My first tip is having the right mindset from the start. You need to mentally prepare that this is going to take a while to heal. We often feel disappointed when expectations don’t line up with reality, so line yourself up right from the start. Yes, you will be missing a season of your sport. This will take months to heal. HOWEVER, you will also be stronger than ever before at the end of this process. What I often hear from my clients is that they wished they knew how strong they were going to get towards the end of their rehab and that it would have helped their mental health in the early days, when they were still weak and in a brace. I’m letting you in on this secret… you WILL be stronger than ever before once you are cleared to return back to sport. You will become an absolute beast. Now you know. So, view your injury as more of an opportunity to get in the best shape of your life and come back stronger than ever before. Will there be bad days when you’re sad you can’t go skiing/play soccer/basketball/football/etc? Yes, of course. It is important to feel those feelings and then let them go as you focus on the bigger picture. Your ACL tear is your opportunity to become the 2.0 version of yourself!

TIP #2

Second tip is to be prepared to work hard and stay dedicated. ACL rehabilitation requires dedicated workouts at least 3x/week and daily PT exercises to help your knee get stronger and stronger. Those who don’t take this seriously, often take longer to get cleared to return back to sport or even worse… have a retear in the future. Don’t take the chance. Do it right the first time and put all of your energy and effort into maximizing your ACL rehabilitation, which starts with showing up and hanging in there. 

TIP #3

My third and final tip is to find other people in your community or online who have also torn their ACL and learn about their journeys. I have had injuries in the past, where I just felt lonely and like I was the only person on the planet with my injury. Reaching out and finding that community of other people going through the same exact process as you can be extremely helpful. You get to learn from their mistakes, but also feel less alone as you go through your rehab journey!

I hope these tips were helpful. I want to add that finding the right PT to guide you along your way is extremely important so make sure you find a fitness forward physical therapist that not only knows their stuff, but that you also get along with… because you will be seeing A LOT of each other :)


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Fundamental upper body movements: PUSH, PULL, CARRY